
Manna – Bread from Heaven

Jn 6:22-59 in the Light of Ps 78:23-25 and Its Interpretation in Early Jewish Sources

by Paweł Rytel-Andrianik (Author)
©2017 Monographs 161 Pages


The author presents a new approach to the study of manna, which does not concentrate only on one particular representation of the bread from heaven (especially Ex 16). Additionally, he investigates the interconnections between Ps 78:23-25, Wis 16:20-13; 19:21 and Jn 6:22-59 and he explores the new ideas of each of these texts. He also strongly asserts that Hellenistic Judaism, represented by the Book of Wisdom, is not "a second-class Judaism". This fact is proved with the example of manna as the food of immortality, an idea not introduced by Christians in the Fourth Gospel, but already present in Wis 19:21.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author(s)/editor(s)
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • I. Bread From Heaven in Ps 78:23–25
  • 1. Redaction Criticism of Psalm 78
  • 2. The Structure of Psalm 78 – a Proposal
  • 3. Some Literary Questions about Ps 78:23–25
  • 3.1 Literary Genre and the Origin of Psalm 78
  • 3.2 A Literary Analysis of Ps 78:23–25 in Its Context
  • 4. The Septuagint Reading of Ps 78:23–25
  • 4.1 Text and Translation
  • 4.2 Some Literary Questions
  • 5. Conclusions
  • II. Between Ps 78 and Jn 6: Manna in Wis 16:20–23; 19:21
  • 1. Some Literary Questions
  • 1.1 Sitz im Leben of the Book of Wisdom
  • 1.2 The Dynamics of the Book of Wisdom
  • 1.3 The Structure of Wis 16:1–17:1a
  • 2. Heavenly Food of the Angels (Wis 16:20–23)
  • 2.1 The Scriptural Background to Wis 16:20
  • 2.2 Food of the Angels
  • 2.3 Crux interpretum: ἀκοπιάτωϛ
  • 2.4 The Verbs Used in the Context of Manna
  • 2.5 Bread Fit for Every Taste
  • 2.6 The Miracle of the Changing Taste
  • 2.7 Kru,stalloj as the Bread of Angels
  • 3. Food of Immortality (Wis 19:21)
  • 3.1 Wis 19:20–21 in Relation to Wis 16:16–17:1a
  • 3.2 Mάννα, λόγος and ἀμβρόσιος in Philo
  • 3.3 Bread of Life in Joseph and Aseneth
  • 4. Conclusions
  • III. Manna, Bread From Heaven in Jn 6:22–59
  • 1. The Scriptural Quotation in John 6:31
  • 1.1 Ex 16:4ab
  • 1.2 Ex 16:15cd
  • 1.3 Neh 9:15a
  • 1.4 Ps 78:24a
  • 1.5 Polyvalent Quotation
  • 2. The Old Testament Background to John 6
  • 3. John 6 as a Christian Midrash on Ps 78:24
  • 4. Is Jn 6:22–59 a Synagogue Homily?
  • 5. Conclusions
  • General Conclusions
  • 1. Textual Findings
  • 1.1 The Manna Texts Within Their Contexts
  • 1.2 The Problem of Understanding Citations and Allusions
  • 2. Key Issues in the Manna Tradition
  • 2.1 ~yryba ~xl. Bread of Angels or Bread of the Mighty Ones?
  • 2.2 The Miracle of the Changing Taste
  • 2.3 The Bread of Life
  • 2.4 Bread Received Without Any Labour
  • 2.5 The Novel Approach of the Fourth Gospel
  • 3. Proposals for Further Research
  • Appendices
  • Appendix I. Ps 78 and Jn 6: Linguistic Similarities
  • Appendix II. Crux interpretum: ἀκοπιάτως
  • Bibliography

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I. The Biblical Text

Aq. Aquila
BdP Biblia del Peregrino
JB La Bible de Jérusalem/Jerusalem Bible
BT Biblia Tysiąclecia
FG Fourth Gospel
LXX Septuagint
NBE Nueva Biblia Española
NCeB New Century Bible
NVBTO Nuovissima versione della Bibbia dai testi originali
Pesh. Peshita
PsIHeb Psalterium iuxta Hebraeos
RST Translation of the Russian Synod
SB CEI La Sacra Bibbia, ed. Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
Symm. Symmachus
HB Hebrew Bible (non-vocalized text of L)
Theod. Theodotion
MT Masoretic Text of the HB
Vulg. Vulgate

II. Biblical Books

The abbreviations of the books of the Bible are taken from The New American Bible (Nashville, TN: Catholic Bible Press, 1987).

III. Manuscripts, Papyri, Codices and Editions of the Biblical Text


ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2017 (March)
Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. 161 pp.

Biographical notes

Paweł Rytel-Andrianik (Author)

Paweł Rytel-Andrianik is a Catholic priest of the diocese of Drohiczyn (Poland), a biblical scholar, theologian and orientalist in Hebrew and Jewish Studies. He lectured as an Associate Professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.


Title: Manna – Bread from Heaven