Kazakhstan’s Emerging Economy
Between State and Market
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Acknowledgements
- Abstract
- Table of Contents
- List of figures
- List of tables
- List of Cases in Point
- List of acronyms and abbreviations
- Chapter 1. Introduction: Kazakhstan’s distinct model of economic transition
- Chapter 2. Kazakhstan’s economy since independence
- 2.1. Stabilization, economic reform and macroeconomic performance
- 2.1.1. Economic growth and the structure of the economy
- 2.1.2. Inflation
- 2.1.3. Unemployment
- 2.1.4. Income distribution
- 2.1.5. Current account balance development
- 2.1.6. Public and private sector debt
- 2.1.7. Foreign direct investment and trade
- 2.1.8. Summary of economic development since independence
- 2.2. Economic reform measures
- 2.2.1. Privatization
- 1) First privatization phase (1991–1993)
- 2) Second privatization phase (1993–1995)
- 3) Third privatization phase (1995–1998)
- 2.2.2. Fiscal policy
- 2.2.3. Tax policy
- 2.2.4. Monetary policy
- 2.2.5. Social policy
- 2.2.6. Summary of economic reform measures
- Chapter 3. Institutional framework of the economy
- 3.1. Assessing institutional reform since 1991
- 3.2. Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) approach
- 3.3. Varieties of Capitalism in Kazakhstan
- 3.3.1. The financial system…..
- Evolution of the financial system
- Development of the credit market
- The capital market
- Microfinance organizations
- Islamic banking
- Summary of the financial system
- 3.3.2. Corporate governance
- Development of corporate governance
- Samruk-Kazyna
- Problems in the corporate sector
- Summary of the corporate system
- 3.3.3. Industrial relations
- Milestones in industrial relations development
- The wage-setting process
- Labour unions and employer associations
- Summary of industrial relations
- 3.3.4. The social security system
- Evolution of the social security system
- The pension system
- The insurance sector
- Summary of the social security system
- 3.3.5. Vocational education and training
- Development of vocational education and training
- Summary of the VET system
- 3.3.6. Inter-firm relations
- Evolution of inter-firm relations
- Summary of inter-firm relations
- 3.3.7. Summary of the VoC approach
- Chapter 4. Research design: qualitative cross-sectional interview study
- 4.1. Cross-sectional research
- 4.2. Doing fieldwork in Central Asia
- 4.3. Interviewing elites in Kazakhstan
- 4.4. Sampling
- 4.4.1. Sampling procedures: snow-ball sampling and direct contact
- 4.4.2. Composing the sample
- 4.4.3. Categories of respondents
- 4.4.4. Selected industries
- 4.4.5. Selected countries
- 4.4.6. Company size
- 4.4.7. Gender distribution
- 4.4.8. Interview location
- 4.5. Methods of data collection
- 4.5.1. Semi-standardized interviews
- 4.5.2. Construction of interview guides
- General approach
- Interview guides for private domestic, foreign and state-owned companies
- Interview guide for public officials
- Interview guides for experts and international organizations
- Interview guide for employer associations and labour unions
- 4.5.3. Workshop on interview technique and pilot interviews
- 4.5.4. Observation and investigator triangulation
- 4.5.5. Team collaboration
- 4.6. Field research: data collection
- 4.6.1. Before the interview
- 4.6.2. During the interview
- 4.6.3. After the interview
- 4.6.4. Recording statistics
- 4.6.5. Measuring the quality of interviews: grading scale
- 4.6.6. Dealing with various categories of respondents
- 4.7. Caveats and limitations in data collection
- 4.7.1. Methodological problems
- 4.7.2. Interview ethics
- 4.7.3. Quality criteria: validity and reliability
- 4.8. Qualitative data analysis
- 4.8.1. Preparing the data for analysis
- 4.8.2. Preliminary analysis of interviews
- 4.8.3. Methods for data analysis: qualitative content analysis and frequency analysis
- 4.8.4. Selected interviews for analysis
- 4.8.5. Constructing the coding frame
- 4.8.6. Pilot coding
- Preparatory phase
- Running the trial coding
- Evaluation of the coding frame
- 4.8.7. Main coding
- Preparatory phase
- Running the main coding
- Final round of evaluation
- Chapter 5. The emerging hybrid market economy: the ‘core–periphery’ model
- 5.1. Studying state–business interaction
- 5.1.1. The role of the state in the economy
- 5.1.2. State involvement over time
- 5.1.3. Factors for the success of private business
- 5.1.4. Reasons for differing state treatment of private business
- 5.1.5. Type of company investment policy
- 5.1.6. Instruments for solving problems of private business with the state
- 5.2. Analysing inter-firm relations
- 5.2.1. Type of interaction
- 5.2.2. Key factors for interacting with competitors
- 5.2.3. Regulating competition
- 5.2.4. Merger and acquisitions
- 5.2.5. Instruments for solving problems between private companies
- 5.3. Assessing the influence of other market players (labour unions and employer associations)
- 5.3.1. Influence of labour unions
- 5.3.2. Influence of employer associations
- 5.3.3. Reasons for the weak influence of other market players
- 5.4. Discussion of results: the essence of the emerging ‘core–periphery’ economy
- 5.5. Caveats and limitations in data analysis
- Chapter 6. Conclusions
- References
Figure 1.1.Theoretical approach
Figure 2.1.GDP concentration by industry in 2008
Figure 2.2.GDP development in Kazakhstan
Figure 2.3.Unemployment as percentage of total labour force
Figure 2.4.Gini coefficient, Kazakhstan
Figure 2.5.Gini coefficient, former Soviet Union
Figure 2.6.Current account balance development as percentage of GDP
Figure 2.7.FDI in Kazakhstan as percentage of GDP
Figure 2.8.Dynamics of FDI (USD million)
Figure 2.9.FDI per industries, in millions of USD
Figure 2.10.FDI in Kazakhstan since independence, by country
Figure 3.1.BEEPS data. Enterprise surveys in Kazakhstan (2009)
Figure 4.1.Arranging interviews via direct contact
Figure 4.2.Categories of respondents
Figure 4.4.Distribution between local and foreign respondents
Figure 4.5.Distribution of respondents by country
Figure 4.6.Distribution of interview grades
Figure 5.1.‘Core–periphery’ market-oriented economy in Kazakhstan
← xv | xvi → ← xvi | xvii →
Table 2.1.Companies by size of capital (2008)
Table 2.2.Inflation rate (consumer prices), percentage figures
Table 2.3.Main export and import partners of Kazakhstan (2009)
Table 2.4.Revenues from privatization, 1993–1998 (percentage of GDP)
Table 2.5.Summary of economic reform measures in Kazakhstan
Table 3.1.Market economy criteria
Table 3.2.Progress of economic transition
Table 3.3.Key features of the VoC approach
Table 3.4.Major functions performed by the National Bank of Kazakhstan
Table 3.5.Market size of banking organizations
Table 3.6.Structure of the banking sector (June 2011)
Table 3.7.Goals of the Small Entrepreneurship Development Fund ‘DAMU’
Table 3.8.Credits provided by microfinance organizations
Table 3.9.Summary of the financial system
Table 3.10.Major companies owned or part-owned by Samruk-Kazyna
Table 3.11.Major goals of the Samruk-Kazyna Fund
Table 3.12.Obstacles to doing business in Kazakhstan
Table 3.13.Summary of the corporate system
Table 3.14.Key features of the labour market (1991–2008)
Table 3.15.Summary of industrial relations
Table 3.16.Social protection expenditure, percentage of GDP (2008)
Table 3.17.Summary of the social security system
Table 3.20.Summary of inter-firm relations
Table 3.21.The VoC approach in Kazakhstan
Table 4.3.Pilot coding sheet ← xvii | xviii →
Frequency Table 5.1.Assessment of the role of the state
Table 5.2.Kazakhstan’s development model
Table 5.3.Perception of the role of state, by company representatives
Frequency Table 5.4.State involvement in the economy over time
Frequency Table 5.5.Summary of state involvement over time
Frequency Table 5.6.Success strategy for private business
Table 5.7.Perception of communication by companies
Table 5.8.Communication channels by business size
Frequency Table 5.9.State attitudes to private business
Table 5.10.Size of business as a reason for differential treatment
Table 5.11.Company ownership as a reason for differential treatment
Table 5.12.Strategic considerations as a reason for differential treatment
Table 5.13.Merging of state interests with business interests
Frequency Table 5.14.Investment strategies of private companies
Table 5.15.Investment strategy by company size
Frequency Table 5.16.Instruments for problem resolution
Table 5.17.Respondents’ perceptions of problem-solving instruments
Frequency table 5.18.Interaction between private firms
Table 5.19.Inter-firm relations by industry
Frequency Table 5.20.The nature of competitor relations
Table 5.21.Factors behind interaction between competitors
Table 5.22.Examples of disclosure of information among firms
Frequency Table 5.23.Degree of state regulation of competition
Table 5.24.Perceptions of competition regulation, by industry
Frequency Table 5.25.Frequency of M&As
Frequency Table 5.27.Instruments for problem resolution
Table 5.28.Tools for solving problems
Frequency Table 5.29.Perceived role of labour unions
Table 5.30.Perceptions on the influence of labour unions
Frequency Table 5.31.Perceived role of employer associations
Table 5.32.Perceptions on the influence of employer associations ← xviii | xix →
Frequency Table 5.33.Weak influence of other market players
Table 5.34.Reasons for the weak influence of other market players
Table 5.35.Other reasons for weak influence
Table 5.36.The emerging market-oriented economy in Kazakhstan
← xix | xx → ← xx | xxi →
Case in Point 4.1.Snowball sampling in practice
Case in Point 4.2.Importance of ‘symbolic power’
Case in Point 4.3.‘Recipe’ for arranging interviews with public officials
Case in Point 5.1.Entrepreneurs’ attitudes toward the first market reforms
Case in Point 5.2.The effective association of bankers
Case in Point 5.3.Influence of foreign companies’ business culture
← xxi | xxii → ← xxii | xxiii →
- Pages
- XXIV, 303
- Publication Year
- 2014
- 9783653043280
- 9783653987416
- 9783653987423
- ISBN (Hardcover)
- 9783631650950
- 10.3726/978-3-653-04328-0
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2014 (November)
- Keywords
- Marktwirtschaft wirtschaftlicher Wandel institutioneller Wandel Staatskapitalismus
- Published
- Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2014. XXIV, 303 pp., 65 tables, 19 graphs
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG