
Trade, Integration and Institutional Reforms in Latin America and the EU

by Roland Eisen (Volume editor) Alberto Martin Diaz Cafferata (Volume editor) Ángel Enrique Neder (Volume editor)
©2007 Edited Collection 318 Pages


Ongoing processes in the European Union and the South American Mercosur enforce political and institutional reforms. Economists and politicians must be able to understand these processes to formulate strategic scenarios, to design and implement interventions which contribute favorably to the future. Under four headings the discussion is organized: regional economic integration with respect to financial markets (and the consequences for Basel II), commercial and competitive policy, and the role of foreign direct investments. International trade and growth related to agricultural products, natural gas, and labor. Institutional comparisons and methodological problems with respect to pharmaceutical price policies, teachers’ salaries, income distribution, and critical realism. Fundamental changes of ICT affect governance structures, the value chain, and academic teaching and learning.


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Education Technology Lateinamerika Außenhandel Wirtschaftsentwicklung Europäische Union Kongress Cordoba (Argentinien, 2005) International Trade Regional Economic Integration Institutional Reform Methodological Comparison Information Tec
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2007. 318 pp., num. fig., tables and graphs

Biographical notes

Roland Eisen (Volume editor) Alberto Martin Diaz Cafferata (Volume editor) Ángel Enrique Neder (Volume editor)

The Editors: Roland Eisen, born in 1941, Professor of Economics at the University of Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Alberto Díaz M. Cafferata, born in 1948, Professor of International Economics at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina). Ángel Enrique Neder, born in 1962, Professor of Monetary Economics and Consultant in Regulatory Economics at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina). María Luisa Recalde, born in 1948, Professor of Economics at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina).


Title: Trade, Integration and Institutional Reforms in Latin America and the EU